
I feel like sugar plums should be dancing in my head so to speak even thinking about PCSing to Hawaii. It is so strange how I feel like everyone is giving me the run around. It is the oddest thing that no one seems to know what’s going on and has no sense of direction. Unlike others, I am a planner. I want to know what has to be done and when it has to be done by! Why can no one give me the answers so I can let all my dreams be reality when I step off the plane and stare into the crystal clear waters of Hawaii!? Unfortunately, I am not the only one with this problem ( getting information). According to the website that others comment and discuss on it is the “strangest thing that everything is not streamlined and readily available like other military bases”. Oh well, guess I will have to deal! I am sure I am going to enjoy our time in Hawaii, just have to work out all the details as they come up! I am so looking forward to getting there soon and becoming very familiar with the gorgeous beaches, sea turtles, snorkeling, scuba diving, paddle boarding and so on. I am at least going to pretend I’m a tourist for the entire three years while of course I work and go to school. 🙂 excited still! Wish us luck on our move! It’s a long time away but it will be here before we know it.

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